1. How can I place an order?


Once your desired product has been selected, you will need to confirm to place your order. There are three ways you can place your order:


  • Ordering through the Product Screen


  • Add to Cart Button


Ordering through the Product Screen


Ordering through the product screen can let you enter the quantity of products that you require in case if its more than one. You can add your quantity in the field and click ‘Add to Cart’. This way you can purchase 2 or 3 units of the same product without going through the entire process again.


Clicking on the ‘Add to Cart’ button will take you to the Shopping Cart screen where a list of your selected products can be seen. You will also see the price, quantity, subtotals and grand total. Once you’ve added all your products into your shopping cart, just click the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ to conclude your shopping.


  1. How can I check the status of my order?


To determine the status of an order you placed, you can message on our whatsapp number or inbox us on our page where our representatives are on standby to serve and answer your queries.


  1. Can I cancel my order?


Yes, you can cancel your order within 12 hours of purchase by sending us an email,


messaging on our page or calling at the given number.


  1. How do I complete an order?


Once you are done with your shopping, you will need to make your payment and enter your delivery address. You will be asked to enter your:


  • Billing Information


  • Payment Information